16+ Page

FAB 16 Plus semi – independent supported living

Welcome to FAB 16 Plus-care; were provide an environment full with opportunities that you would be proud to call home. We are offering semi-independent accommodation to Local Authorities and Social Services departments for young people 16-to-18-year old. Our purpose is to provide you, with the skills you need to move onto independent living.


Our aim is to provide a warm, safe and caring environment for young people aged 16-18, who are leaving or entering care either from residential or fostering environment into our semi-independent service. We enable young people to develop their skills towards independence whilst they are growing into young adults.

FAB 16Plus-care endeavours to enhance their well-being into a bright and positive future.

Statement Purpose

Available upon request

Our Supported Living service includes:
  • Accommodation which is maintained, decorated and furnished to a high standard overseen by our in-house maintenance team
  • A tailored independent living programme
  • Accommodation available 365 days a year with 24-hour support
  • Bespoke care packages and support hours dependent on individual needs
  • Support to register with local health providers
  • Support in accessing education, employment and training
  • Support with future housing
  • AQA registration and support
  • Access to counselling and support in areas such as drug and alcohol, sexuality, sexual health, anger management, self- harm, safeguarding etc.
  • Financial advice and assistance
  • Access to advocacy services
  • Support in joining the Care Leavers Association and a national voice for peer support and guidance

At FAB 16 plus care we provide varied options of accommodation subject to assessment, for our young people aged 16 – 18 years; with an overall view to promote sustained independent living in the long term.

For those young people who require more intensive support for various reasons, at FAB 16 plus, we provide a Detached House/Accommodation, with 24-hour support that can accommodate up to 3 Young People. These young people can either be entering or leaving care and requiring support with most aspects of enhancing independent living skills. This property will be manned by qualified staff 24 hours to ensure continuity of support. This is important to ensure that our young people who have been through past traumatic experiences, FEEL SAFE, SECURE, STABLE, ENJOY and ACHIEVE in stimulating and nurturing environment.

At FAB 16plus, our young people/person will have his/her own bedroom, but share the communal amenities such as the Lounge and Kitchen and dependant on property sometimes communal bathrooms and wet areas.

We also provide subject to assessment, Flats for up to 2 young people to share, or a solo placement flat, with support from staff or outreach workers. These are for our young people, who after careful consideration and assessment may be able to cope more independently, with just our outreach team or minimal staffing requirements.

At FAB 16 plus - our journey to independent living transition can be simplified into 3 distinct, but often interlinked stages subject to assessment of need:

Stage 1


This comprises of detached house that can accommodate up to 3 young people who require a higher level of support, until they are ready to move into their own supported accommodation.

This house will have staff on duty 24 hours a day with staff completing sleep-in duties in the house, so that someone is available, should any of our accommodated young person require support in a crisis or just want to talk.

Support component:

*please note this is subject to assessment of need*

Basic Support-

15 hours per week with staff sleep in.


28 hours per week with staff sleep-ins or waking night worker.

Stage 2


This will tend to be a flat or bedsit, where the young person lives far more independently but receives a good level of daily support, until we are confident that there are ready for a much less intrusive support and can move towards Outreach service.


10 hours per week 1 sleep-in (subject to needs).

Stage 3


After having made good progress in areas of initial need and changes sustained, it is now time to test if our young people can make it in the world and can live independently. With this service support needs are greatly reduced and it is expected that our young people will have more greater independent functioning. We work in collaboration with Local Councils, Housing Associations and Private Landlord to help our young people secure appropriate long-term accommodation as they transition into adulthood.


5 hours per week 1 sleep-in (subject to needs).

NOTE: There will be a 24-hour support service available to all packages. .


We do not tolerate bullying and Fab 16 plus Social Care team have a clear anti-bullying Policy and Procedure in place.


If a Young Person goes missing, we shall follow the procedure agreed with the Placing Social Worker at the inception of the Agreement and the Local Police Agreement/Protocol on Missing persons.


All of our properties will be fitted with smoke detectors and appropriate fire protection equipment. They will also have annual gas and electrical certificates and comply with all relevant regulations at all times.

No Drugs and Alcohol Police:

All FAB 16 plus properties have a clear no alcohol and drugs policy. Failure to comply with this requirement, might result in termination of tenancy and support from us.


Referral Form

If you would like to have a confidential discussion about our services, please contact us on Landline: 01270 878263, Mobile:073675 69540 or send us an email to info@fabsocialcare.co.uk